
About Horita Koji

Career / Achievements
Feb. 2011
I got a chance to take pictures of food from an acquaintance and started 
taking pictures seriously.
Mar. 2016
I acted as a official photographer with the monument ceremony of the late former Yokozuna"Kita-no-umi".
Mar. 2018
The Water Drop Macro series "mizu to hikari" was selected by Moroccan photographer Moussa Idrissi as the first Japanese Top Selection in the "Photographes du monde".
Jan. 2021
It's been 10 years since I started taking pictures. 
Won numerous awards in other international photographer groups.
Oct. 2021
Japan Advertising Photographers' Association (APA)  New member Exhibition Exhibiting
June. 2023
In charge of photographing "Seated Toyokuni Daimyojin" (and six other statues), a tangible cultural property designated by Osaka City.
Membership of professional institutions
Spiegel Photographers' Association  Member
Other members
Canon Professional Service (CPS) Member
Head Office
Koransha. co., ltd.
1-13-15 Zengenji-cho Miyakojima-ku Osaka-city 534-0015
Phone 06-6921-1073  facsimile 06-6923-1073
2011年 広告写真家として活動を開始。 
2016年 元横綱故 北の湖の納骨式典(大阪)で公式記録を担当。 
2018年 Photographes du monde で、日本人初のTOP SELECTIONに選ばれる。 
2022年 5月 書家・水彩画家・写真家の合同展「天地自然」で企画を担当、および12作品を出展。 
同年 3月 / 6月 ほりたこうじ写真展「水と光  mizu to hikari」をキヤノンギャラリー 銀座 / 大阪 巡回開催。 
10月 Hibiki展 〜多才な響きあい〜 出展。
2023年 大阪市指定有形文化財『豊国大明神坐像』(他6体)の撮影を担当。
シュピーゲル写真家協会 会員
All photos are copyrighted @mizu to hikari romantica. It is not allowed to use my photos with out my permission.
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